BSP Customer Reaches 3 Thousands

Prabumulih, RT - Bank Sampah Prabumulih (BSP) is a place known as garbage collection or Trash Bank was officially established on 11 December 2013, until now growing rapidly, evident in just three years, the citizens are our customers already more than 3 thousand.

No wonder the number of customers that much, BSP may be the best on the island of Sumatra, "do not think will grow this much, but once we had not considered citizens including the government, but now we have customers as much as about 3,500 people who registered, instead we can be full support from the government, "said Dadi Prayogi President Director of BSP, accompanied by a Business Manager, Desti Fajarini.

The support of the city government Prabumulih was because Garbage Bank became one of the points in votes awards Adipura, "From that assessment, we know, that the BSP into a garbage bank the best on the island of Sumatra, about the form of support from the municipal government that, for example support activities we, like the movement of picking up litter, to pack mayor also become one of the customers' BSP, "he explained.

However, also due to the large number of customers, the BSP encountered some obstacles, one begins to experience the limitations of the location for the collection of garbage, because the more garbage day more and more in number, "But we will get the land from the city government Prabumulih through the Agency for the environment, serves as a place of our barn, while the other now our expectations, so that BSP can also expand to other areas, while keeping the development progress of the BSP itself, "he concluded.(01)
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