

As a Constituent of Press Council, SMSI Unifies Online Media Companies in New Era

Jakarta-  The Indonesian Cyber Media Union (Serikat Media Siber Indonesia/SMSI), the biggest organization of online media companies in Indonesia, more than 1000 members throughout the provinces, are ready to face the challenges of the new era press world, digital, internet of things. 

SMSI has been a member of constituent of Indonesian Press Council. The status as a member of the Council, SMSI has the power  to unify all online media owner to overcome new challenges, improving company infrastructures, and work together with world wide and national networking.

The willpower for unifying all members of SMSI has been pioneered since SMSI still in the idea. Then it is realized since Firdaus have been elected as a president of SMSI, in the first congress 20th December 2019 in Jakarta.

After congress, Firdaus and his team organized  SMSI and all members, so that SMSI meets the standards as press media organization.

The Press Council itself had verified organization of the press in 2020 and SMSI was evaluated as an organization of online media owner that meet standards that’s stated by Press Council.
 And the announcement that SMSI as a member the council, has been delivered by Vice Chairman of Press Council Hendry Ch Bangun in plenary meeting through Zoom Application in Friday 5th June 2020, during Pandemic Covid-19 situation.

The plenary meeting was led by President of SMSI Firdaus, and attended by all of provinces SMSI chief, and all boards of central organization. Hendry  Ch Bangun asked SMSI holds the integrity and good name of the organization.
“Legally, SMSI is legal according to the law. Now as an organization needs consolidation together for running the program. Mastering the technology, and business innovation,” said Deputy Chairman of the Advisory Board of SMSI Dr, Ir Hatta Rajasa who joined the plenary meeting.

Hatta Rajasa congratulate to Chairman of SMSI and all members that SMSI has become constituent of Press Council. “SMSI has complied with the provisions of standards press companies organization that has been stated in the regulation of Press Council Number:3/Peraturan-DP/III/2008 on standards of press companies organization,” said the Decree of Press Council Number: 22/SK-DP/V/2020 on the result of Press Company Organization Verification that was signed by Chairman of Press Council Mohammad NUH, 29th May 2020.
The decree referred to Press Council decision in the plenary session on Friday 22nd May 2020 in Jakarta, and the result of verification on 29th January 2020.

According to Firdaus, SMSI as an umbrella organization of online media owners with 1000 media outlets, will be developed until the city and district level all over Indonesia. “So information network will be expanded  more broadly, reaching the rural of the country,” Firdaus said.

Hatta Rajasa said he supported to Firdaus’ program that want to expand organization network until all over Indonesia. With controlling the data and information network in the 21st century, Hatta said, SMSI will have extraordinary power, and it is important to be a partner of the government.

Another program not long times, SMSI would like to establish a newsroom together with all member’s organization. “This newsroom will bring positive benefit for the members, mainly for media outlets start up.
The Chiefs of SMSI Provinces  All Over Indonesia
President of SMSI Firdaus
1.Aceh Province Tarmilin Usman (, 2.Sumatera Utara Province Zulfikar Tanjung (, 3.Riau Novrizon Burman (, 4.Kepulauan Riau Zakmi (, 5.Samatera Barat Zulnadi (, 6.Sumatera Selatan Jhon Heri (, 7.Bengkulu Wibowo Susilo (, 8.Jambi Muhtadi Putranusa (, 9.Bangka Belitung Nico Alpiandy (, 10.Lampung Donny Irawan (, 11.Banten Junaidi (, 12. Jakarta Nandi Nanti ( 13.Jawa Barat Hardiansyah (, 14.Jawa Tengah Hendra Kelana (, 15.Yogyakarta Sihono , 16.Jawa Timur Eko Pamuji (, 17.Bali Emanuel Dewata Oja (, 18.Selawesi Selatan Rasyid Alfarisi (, 19.Sulawesi Utara Merson Simbolon (, 20. Sulawesi Barat Naskah M. Nabhan (, 21.Sulawesi Tenggara Gugus Suryaman (, 22.Sulawesi Tengah Mahmud Matangara (, 23.Gorontalo Irwanto Achmad (, 24.Kalimantan Timur Indra Zakaria (, 25.Kalimantan Tengah Sutransyah (, 26.Kalimantan Utara M. Reza (, 27.Papua Plt. Hans Bisay (,  28.Papua Barat Bustam (, 29.Maluku Paulus Joris (, 30.Maluku Utara Faiz Albar (, 31.NTB Achmad Sukisman Azmi (, 32.NTT Dion DB Putra(Pos Kupang).
Kalimantan Selatan Anang Fadhilah (